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Imagining a frictionless customer journey in the near future.


We were tasked with imagining a frictionless customer journey in the near future. We were given free reign to explore a seamless, ideal customer experience.

Following a couple, planning a dinner party. They call on a range of ASDA solutions & experts to help them personalise their shopping experience. From choosing the right wine to accompany a good steak through to allergen advice for guests.

This particular brief pushed the team to find an engaging narrative that toed the delicate line between what near future technology could potentially do and what customers would like it to do. ASDA felt we hit the nail on the head.

ABP were really excited to show ASDA their vision for the future in an unconventional way, even hopping on a private plane and demoing it on a personalised iPad. The client really felt they had a stake in the future.